About Us

The name 922 Ministries comes from 1 Corinthians 9:22, where Paul, a famous church planter who lived in the first century, wrote: “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.”

This same guiding principle drives us. We are one church made up of two church campuses, a K-8 grade school and an early childhood center, all with unique ministries that share a united focus on Jesus. Our mission is to help people plant Jesus Roots that produce the Spirit’s Fruit. Those roots we call the 5 G’s - Gather, Group, Grow, Give and Go.

We are passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus with everyone we can in our community and beyond!

Our Beliefs

We invite you to explore our beliefs and join us in our passionate pursuit of living out our faith.

  • God

    There is one eternally existing God who has three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. He is the creator of all that exists, both visible and invisible, and is therefore worthy of all glory and praise. God is perfect in love, power, holiness, goodness, knowledge, wisdom, justice, and mercy. He is unchangeable and therefore is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

  • Revelation

    We believe there are three primary ways to truly know this God. (1) In nature, we see glimpses of his beauty, kindness, power, glory, and love in those moments that make our days better. But we don't truly get to know God through nature alone. (2) In the Bible, we read of God's mercy, forgiveness, moral standards, and desire to be with all people forever. (3) In his Son, Jesus, God lived among us here on earth so that we could know him in a personal way and be reconnected with God now and forever.

  • Mankind

    At the beginning of the human story, God created male and female to be like him and to be with him. These treasured creations would imitate God’s love in the way they loved God, loved each other, and lovingly cared for the world around them.

  • The Fall

    The first humans made a tragic choice. It's the one we continue to make today. It's the choice to love something (really, anything) more than God. That choice, which the Bible calls “sin”, is what fractured all of creation, destroying the perfect love and harmony that existed among God, people, and the created world. Once this perfect love was lost, pain, suffering, grief, death, stress, tension, and so much more flooded into human lives.

  • Salvation

    Despite the countless sinful choices that we humans have made, God refused to give up on us. Instead, out of a love we don’t deserve, God sent his only Son, Jesus, in order to bring God and people back together. Jesus lived a life of constant love, then died on a cross in our place, and then rose from the dead a few days later, proving he was more than just a moral teacher. When anyone humbly comes to Jesus, follows him as Lord, and trusts him as Savior, they are “saved” (rescued from the danger of not being with God). God gives the free gift of "eternal life" (being with God forever).

  • The Church

    We believe that the true Christian Church is not a building, but rather all the people who trust in Jesus Christ. This “Church” often gathers in smaller groups, like we do at St. Peter and The CORE, in order to humbly admit our spiritual struggles, joyfully share the unfailing love of God, and powerfully encourage each other to worship God and serve others in all that we do.

  • Resurrection

    One day, Jesus will return to fix everything that sin has broken. He will come to judge everyone and everything that stands in opposition to God and to transform his people and this universe into what God originally intended it to be—a place filled with God, his children, and limitless love. Until that Day comes, we at 922 Ministries strive to help people plant their spiritual roots in the love of God, trusting that God himself will change us into people who look more and more like his Son, Jesus.

Our Process

  • Gather

    Gather: Worship Together

    What is the most awesome concert you ever attended? Can you remember going to a sporting event where the place shook with cheering? When a large group has a common passion and a united focus, powerful things happen. That's what the GATHER root is all about — a large group passionate about God and united in praising him.

    Join us for worship weekly.

    Watch online if you can't make it. (It's not the same as being there, but Jesus roots will grow.)

  • Group

    Group: Do Life Together

    Go solo or better together? Ask most who have successfully lost weight or overcome an addiction. Life is better together.

    First step: Starting Point. What next?

    Join a Life Group or a Large Group Bible Study.

    Connect with others on social media.

    Regularly communicate with close Christian friends.

  • Grow

    Grow: Devotions and Prayers in the Home

    Relationships grow through good, frequent communication. The GROW root is about spending time daily in the home listening to God (in the Bible) and talking to God (in prayer).

    Download the YouVersion Bible app and start a reading plan.

    Have kids? Learn more about Solid Ground.

    Explore content at Time of Grace.

    Listen to some of our past messages.

    Check out our Family Resource page with recommended resources easily accessible for your various seasons of family life.

  • Give

    Give: Volunteer and Give Generously

    Generosity shapes and changes our heart and focus, and richly blesses others. The GIVE root shifts our focus up (to God) and out (to others), instead of in (on ourselves).

    Join one of our Serve Teams.

    Volunteer in the community.

    Support our church by giving an offering.

    Support non-profits in our community. (We work with organizations such as Pillars, The Hope Center, and Leaven.)

  • Go

    Go: Share God's Love

    Have you ever tried to keep good news to yourself? You feel like you're going to explode! We have good news that changes people's lives now and forever. We love others well when we share God's amazing love with them.

    Invest: Love everyone in your life well.

    Invite: When the time comes, invite them to come to church with you.

Our Mission & Values

We exist to help people plant Jesus roots to produce the Spirit’s fruit.